Monday, October 10, 2011

Dirty Trick #4 -- No butts

When you ride a bicycle between towns, you go slowly enough that you can truly enjoy the scenery.  You also get to examine all the litter that human swine have chucked out of their cars, as if they can't tell the difference between the roadway and a trash can.  To me, the apex of insolence was when someone would chuck trash out of the driver's side window while I was waiting right behind him in the left turn lane.  If the timing was right, I would pull along side, pick up said trash item, and chuck it right back in.

One time, I took this tactic a bit too far.  I was waiting for the left turn signal at Arapahoe Avenue on 30th Street when the guy in front of me tossed a lit cigarette out the window.  I pulled up and tossed it back in.  Then, I took off like a shot -- fully expecting the guy to try to run me down.  Instead, he had jumped out of the car to try to keep from being burned.

You can probably only expect to get away with something like that once per lifetime.  So I still occasionally toss back candy wrappers and the like, but never again a lit cigarette.

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