Saturday, October 1, 2011

Dirty Trick #1 -- Special Donut

I took a summer course in Surveying in Boulder between 8th and 9th grades.  The kids in the class were supposed to take turns bringing in a snack to share mid-morning.  One kid in the group was obnoxious: always the first to select a snack, and always taking the largest or best.  So I thought, "This guy needs to be taken down a peg."

When my turn to make snacks came up, I decided to make doughnuts.  I made enough for the group and then took Tobasco sauce and mixed it in to the batter to make the final doughnut.  I made sure the last doughnut was larger than any of the others.  I also made sure that it was at the top of the pyramid.

The next day, the whole thing went like clockwork: I took off the plastic wrap and held out the plate.  Mr. Obnoxious (I forget his real name) was first in line and went straight for the one on top.  He took a bite and screwed up his face.  Score! Meanwhile everyone else was complimenting me on how good the doughnuts were.  Mr. O seemed to have no idea he'd been had.  Double score!!

It is said that revenge is a dish best eaten cold.  Indeed, and you get the special sauce when the target remains clueless.

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